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Results for search "Bowel Problems: Gas".

Health News Results - 2

Often Feel Bloated? One Ingredient May Be to Blame

If you often feel bloated after a meal, don't be too quick to blame high-fiber foods. The real culprit might surprise you.

Your gut may be rebelling because you're eating too much salt, a new study suggests.

"Sodium reduction is an important dietary intervention to reduce bloating symptoms and could be used to enhance compliance with healthful high-fiber diets," said study...

Foot Stools Move Human Stool Along

A simple potty stool under your feet might help cure constipation, researchers say.

"These toilet stools became popular through things like viral videos and social media, but there was really no medical evidence to show whether or not they are effective," said researcher Dr. Peter Stanich. He is an assistant professor of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition at Ohio State Univers...