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Results for search "Noroviruses".

Health News Results - 4

Wildlife Park's 'Splash Pad' Source of Severe Gastro Infections in Kids

Splash pads -- those shallow pools of wet, cooling summertime fun for kids -- can also be sources of nasty gastro infections for youngsters who swallow water during their play.

That's the take-home lesson from a new analysis of outbreaks of two bacterial illnesses, shigellosis and

  • By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 4, 2022
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  • FDA Warns of U.S. Norovirus Cases Linked to Canadian Oysters

    The United States and Canada are investigating a multistate outbreak of norovirus illnesses linked to raw oysters from Canada.

    Restaurants and retailers should not serve or sell these potentially contaminated raw oysters, which were harvested in the south and central parts of Baynes Sound, British Columbia, Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said.

  • By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 5, 2022
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  • Don't Linger: 'Aerosolized Droplets' Hang in the Air After Toilet Flush

    If you're in a public restroom, you may not want to hang around too long, because lots of airborne pathogens are hanging around, too.

    Researchers from Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science conducted flush tests in a public restroom with both a toilet and a urinal.

    "After about three hours of tests involving more than 100 flushes, we found a substa...

    How to Fight Norovirus, the 'Cruise Ship' Germ

    Whether it's infiltrating a cruise ship, a restaurant or a college dorm, the norovirus is often in the news. It's the leading cause of illness from contaminated food in the United States.

    While food can be tainted at its source, food workers who acquire the infection can unintentionally cause outbreaks as well, often by touching food with bare hands before serving it.

    The vi...